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An artsy, blurry photo capturing the ethereal essence of a woman's torso.  Her arms gracefully extended to the side


Somatics is a holistic approach to healing and well-being that emphasizes the mind-body connection. It involves exploring and experiencing the sensations, emotions, and patterns within the body to promote supportive evolution through the alchemization and integration of painful and maladaptive patterns, increased self-awareness, and increased capacity to stay connected to the present moment. 

This approach enables the processing of trauma that might not be accessible via explicit memory or narrative. It allows for the reprocessing and transformation of patterns ingrained in the nervous system before we had the ability to advocate for ourselves or have autonomy over our own bodies. By doing so, it facilitates the creation of more accurate and updated narratives and perceptions that promote our agency, autonomy and sense of well-being. The alternative keeps us stuck in maladaptive responses that reinforce beliefs formed when we lacked the capacity, capability and resources to cope. This leads to outcomes such as overwhelm, shutdown, or eventually burnout which may reaffirm disempowering perceptions of ourselves and of the world.

By honing our ability to listen to our bodies and becoming more familiar with the patterns of our nervous system from a felt sense (interoceptive perspective), we can develop a more intuitive and refined skill to navigate from a deeper self-awareness and compassion. This empowers us to proactively change our patterns and work towards preventing overwhelming or disempowering outcomes by becoming familiar with our body's way of communicating. Moreover, it helps us acknowledge the various facets of our sense of self that may hold conflicting viewpoints and narratives. It allows us to navigate and honour our needs more accurately and fluidly.

Somatics recognizes that our physical, emotional, and psychological experiences are interconnected and that unresolved trauma or stress can manifest in the body as pain, discomfort, or restricted movement. By engaging with the body's wisdom and innate healing capacity, somatics offers a pathway for individuals to reconnect with themselves, release stored tension, and foster greater self-regulation.

Jess integrates different elements of her training in Somatic Experiencing in her bodywork & massage treatments. Depending on her client's goals and desires, she is able to bring techniques and practices to support a deeper sense of embodiment and somatic awareness. 


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